What we do

Exchange of knowledge

To promote understanding and exchange of knowledge on the subject of Education and to work with other organizations. “Disadvantaged children” At Itinga Charity Education Foundation, disadvantaged children means the categories of children that we help;

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Provision of materials and facilities for Education

To provide scholastic materials such as Braille materials like Braille machines, braille paper, text books in braille etc. to facilitate children with visual impairment.We also provide textbooks and other study materials to schools to facilitate learning for other disadvantaged children.To provide facilities for education such as school libraries and classrooms or to renovate badly damaged school facilities.Some schools in remote

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To advance the education of disadvantaged children in Northern Uganda through provision of grants and full scholarships. Our scholarship schemes include school fees, boarding requirements and school requirements. And scholarships are awarded to the poorest needy children with academic ability or otherwise willing to work hard and achieve full potential. Poverty can deny children rights to Education and hope for

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